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Autism Intervention Program with Reena Singh (Hybrid)
February 6, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm UTC+5.5
Are you overwhelmed by so many therapies that are available for Autism?
Too confused by what to do with your child at home or send your child to a therapy centre? How often and how many hours a week is enough ?
Wouldn’t it be great if some mentor appears who can lay down the path for you on what to do first and then what next at home with your child ? You don’t want to waste the precious developmental years of your child’s life experimenting with various therapies !!!
I want to give you a step by step approach and guide you on your journey as you try to help your child. The journey may be bumpy but I have taken this journey with thousands of families and guided them. I want to offer 22 years of learnings, insights and wisdom with you so that you have clarity. I want to be your bridge to convert your hopes and dreams into reality.
Join me for this program and lets start the journey of transformation for yourself and your child.
Once you join me, you get access to recorded content and also get to meet me for 8 weeks for an hour. I take your questions, queries and doubts related to the techniques taught. This is a group class and individual program is not made in this program but you learn the principles that inform you on deciding therapies and helping your child better. You also learn how to do therapies rather than just do some activity with your child!!!
Program is conducted in English
Charges are ₹ 18,000/- for parents based in India and ₹ 36,000/- for parents based out of India
Sponsorships are available for parents who cannot afford after submitting the required documents and getting approval from the counselor.
Recordings of the class and the pre-recorded content stay with you for 6 months.