What is RMT?

RMT is a short form for Rhythmic Movement training. It was developed by a psychiatrist Dr. Harold Bloomberg in 1980’s on the basis of work of Kerstin Linde when he saw that rhythmic movements had remarkable differences in his patients with psychiatric conditions. He also studies with other movement specialists. Moira Dempsey, an Australian Educational and Developmental kinesiologist became interested in the role of retained reflexes in learning and behavioural challenges in the mid 1990’s. Moira Dempsey met Dr. Blomberg in 2003 and started using the movements herself and with clients. She noticed remarkable results.

When the rhythmic movements are given, it helps to develop connections in the brain which were not developed before. These movements help in linking the different parts of the brain with each other which helps in efficient functioning of the brain. It also helps to integrate primitive reflexes.

If there has to be an analogy then, I see the rhythmic movements to be like water and fertilizers for the plant to grow. As the movements are done, new connections grow just like branches of a plant and help to synchronise the functioning of the brain.

The movements need to be planned by a therapist who is trained in RMT. Two or three movements are started initially and changed every 15 days to a month depending on how the body responds to them. Results can be seen within 10 days to a month. To maintain the results, the movements need to be done for a period of 12 -18 months. We combine RMT at Khushi with other treatment approaches.

If there is a history of seizures the movements have to be very carefully monitored and done with neurologist’s opinion. Also, caution needs to be taken while doing it with kids with Downs syndrome.

When the brain starts linking up because of the rhythmic movements, the body starts releasing toxins and muscle tension. This causes side effects which may be physical or emotional in nature. These effects suggest that linking is happening and helping. However, if the side effects are not manageable, then you need to follow up with your consultant and change or decrease the movements as needed.

RMT is not necessarily to be done for kids but it can be done for anyone who has active primitive reflexes.

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