Primitive reflexes are a group of reflexes which develop during life in the womb, are fully developed at birth in the full term baby (40 weeks) and are gradually inhibited and transformed into more mature patterns and postural abilities during the first six months of postnatal life.

Primitive reflexes can remain active if there has been damage to higher centres in early life, such as cerebral palsy, or if there is accident or damage to higher brain centres in later life, for example after a stroke, head injury or in degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s disease. According to medical theory, primitive reflexes should not remain active in the general population beyond six months of age, and if elicited beyond this age are usually considered to be indicative of underlying pathology.

MNRI is a method to integrate primitive reflexes which we use at Khushi.

Masgutova– Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, Founder
Neuro– represents the central nervous system and neural pathways used to take in and send out information from and to various parts of the body.
Sensory– represents the sensory system
Motor– represents the motor response system
Reflex– a conscious or unconscious behavior occurring in response to a change.
Integration– The act of being able to bring together sensory motor functions in useful, functional level of performance when needed
The MNRI approach complements other therapies such as sensory integration and educational, psychosomatic and motor sphere enhancement.

Program has been beneficial to people of any age, regardless of their mental state or physical condition.

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