Testimonials by well-wishers

I and my family support the cause of Autism. It is tremendous effort from them to create awareness and I support this cause and will continue to do that .Any help from me in any way, that I can contribute, I will be happy to do it. I would like to congratulate Khushi for all the hard work that they are taking and they continue to do so.
I completely support the cause and believe that every child should be treated with love and respect. Khushi is doing good work.
Special kids need to be accepted by our society. We have to bring out the special characteristics of each child. Khushi is doing a great work by creating awareness and helping such children.
I support the cause and Khushi is doing a wonderful job of creating awareness and helping these kids.
Parent Testimonials
My name is Moly Suryawanshi and I am a mother of a 9 year old spectrum disorder child. My son Kabir was diagnosed at the age of 2 years 4 months on 14th June 2008. I was told all is lost…there was no response to name call, no eye contact, no pointing, no language and worst of all no awareness.
I met Reena on 16th June 2008, who told me it’s just the beginning. She said if I understood how Kabir’s mind works I may solve the mystery. She was my first ray of hope. A hope…a trust I hang on till date!!!
My son started his sessions with Reena (or rather I started my learnings). I observed how she worked with him and replicated similar set up at home. My son started group therapy with Reena at the age of 2yrs 8 months. As we started with the group the initial days were bad! Because of the extensive demand being placed in a social environment, Kabir’s tantrums and self- stimulating behaviors reached its peak. Every session he would cry, and it simply got worst. Whatever I observed in the group set up i.e the way modeling was being done or how the rewards were being used I started using the similar techniques at home. I learned that the edifice of behavior intervention is consistency. Slowly our patience started getting rewarded. Kabir started becoming calmer and attentive in the group classes, his this turnaround was extensively rewarded by Reena. Slowly we saw his attentiveness improve in a group set up, his observation improved, and we saw the development of self – motivation to do well. This was not just for any reward but for self!
Reena’s method of combining behavior techniques with rewards and intensive modeling in a group environment has extensively helped my son in generalization of many of his learnings. It also helped in reduction of his anxiety and also development of his self- confidence. The best part about the group is the blend of play therapy with behavior therapy. Since Reena is an Occupational Therapist she also understands the sensory need of each child whether it is auditory, visual or proprioceptive, and then she tailors the group keeping each child’s needs in mind.
Today my son goes to a regular school; he is completely independent functionally and academically. He is socially integrated and has few friends whom he so calls his best friends.
Thank you Reena for teaching me that “nothing is impossible. Even the word says I’m possible”.
Also a good therapy is not just by doing Behavior Therapy or Occupational Therapy. A successful integration of different methods as per the child’s needs is the key.
Reena’s EFT facilitation really helped me to clear a lot of my long standing chronic negative memories and beliefs. She helped me to focus on my goals of managing my heartburn without medication and was helpful to remind me of the larger objectives and allowed me the time and space to make my own connections. Reena was sincere, focused and listened to me completely, which really helped in those more intense sessions when I needed her to paraphrase and restate for me to know what I was actually saying. It was very powerful.
She used a timeline approach to help work through a number of related issues. This technique really helped me to revise time periods within my life repeatedly to look for issues that caused emotional disturbances. She was diligent to check and re-check such that by the end it was amazing how there was no charge left at all. I am 90-95% free of my heartburn symptoms and feel that the work I did with Reena was pivotal in making it a reality! Thanks Reena.
I am a parent of 6 years old boy, diagnosed with autism. He was 4 years old when we got to know about it. He was totally non verbal when he started therapy at Khushi and it was my depression that he had no communication skills. He had lot of sensory issues like difficulty in hair cutting, nail trimming etc. He was so rigid in his eating habits. He is blessed that he joined Khushi. He started therapy at Khushi in July 2013. He started thrice in a week and after one month of therapy, he was less cranky in hair cutting. Dr. Reena suggested to start Intensive Therapy. After that he started going Khushi regularly. His eating habits got improved. Now he eats everything without any tantrums. Dr. Reena started Therapeutic Listening and it worked for my son. He had become aware with the surroundings. After 6 months of therapy, he labelled his first 20 cards. I can’t express the feeling when he started speaking. He started communicating but it was need base. Then Dr. Reena introduced RMT to us. It’s a unique quality in Dr. Reena that she always comes up with new things. RMT also worked for my son. He started initiating. Now he communicates with us and with his teachers too. He has shadow teacher at school. He is completely toilet trained. He manages by himself. He eats on his own. His ADL is good. It’s a great achievement for my son.
I met Dr Reena for my 10 yr old son as he was facing some sensory integration issues which were affecting his performance in school. This had come up right in the middle of a very rough turmoil in my life and without knowing it I was on a brink of a break down.
While I was obsessing about my son and discussing therapies etc, Reena made me look a little inwards. Like a ray of Sun lighting up a dark corner, she very lovingly made me realize that there was a lot of stress and anxiety that was borne and held onto by me; inside me! And being the only care giver for my child, it ought to be reflecting on his subconscious as well.
It was then Reena introduced me to EFT and as clichéd as it sounds; my life changed forever.
EFT is an extremely effective and targeted process of identifying, acknowledging and releasing the source of dark and negative energies that we carry on our subconscious/souls from who knows how many life times.The therapy sessions in itself for me were a journey filled with shock, awe and release which Reena took me through very gently and adeptly. The cleansing that it came with permanently altered the blueprint of my core beliefs.
And of course the direct impact of which I saw on my son and the ease with which I was able to work with him on his problem areas (which in itself are being handled very well at Khushi).
I don’t have enough words to thank Reena for what she has and continues to affect in my life. She has been gifted with a rare combination of skill, will and benevolence; all wrapped up in a very loving and humble demeanour.
More strength and more gratification to you Reena, God Bless!
My son started with TL around seven months ago, at that point he was 3.5 years and with a very limited speech and vocabulary. Initially we were skeptical as to how he will react or whether he will allow us to put the head phone for half hour twice a day . Under the able guidance of team Khushi we decided to give it a try. The initiation was done in khushi center itself and we found my son accepting the headphones most of the time, slowly he got ok with it, it is then it was suggested that we can buy a headphone and do TL at home . This whole process was very carefully monitored and mentored by Khushi.
After couple of CD we encountered my son would not want to listen to headphone , after discussion it was decided that we will give him a break for a month and then start with some other CD. We started after a month and never looked back from there. Every 15 days we used to find some changes (good/bad,small/big) in my son and accordingly proceed. In fact at one point we revisited the CD that forced us to stop the TL and every time he wanted to listen more then half hour of the same.
My son is undergoing TL coupled with OT , his speech has improved drastically and barring a few issues he is at par with the other kids of age. I have also seen that he has a keen ear towards sounds now .We are in the process of finishing TL.
As an anxious parent we asked lot of queries and pestered Reena Madam many times during the therapy. We were reassured every time. I personally feel TL has helped my son a lot.
RMT has helped Amogh discover and explore various aspects of requisites pertaining to day to day activities.
Not only has it inculcated sense of reasoning in him but also has helped him to learn to convert his thoughts to action. For example, he has developed the tact to follow commands by correlating the same to his existing vocabulary pool.
His increased sitting tolerance could also be credited to RMT. He tries to focus on the various aspects we provide him exposure to.
He has become expressive and communicates his feelings well through facial expressions and gestures now. All these improvements have helped him gain some self confidence which in turn is reflected well in his social behaviour.
I was always lucky to find a mentor, healer and a guide in one person. Dr Reena Singh has always been an inspiration for me and will always continue to be. Shes passionate, assertive and motivating. I had a rough patch in my life but she transformed it so beautifully that I am much more positive not only about myself but also my family members, partners and close friends. I feel good from within, and has made me believe even stronger on things which I thought were difficult for me. To have faith in the almighty within is a good thing but to realise is the best part of life. She was a guiding light to make me realise it. I thank her for the support and strength that she given me and enlightened me with self esteem and self acceptance. In just four sessions of EFT,I have found a great change in me and am sure everyone who comes to her will be more than happy about their decision.
Our son, is autistic and microcephaly, and has joined Khushi in Feb 2009. His sitting tolerance was very less and he was highly restless. Initially, he started with one to one therapy. After some stability at the therapy centre we suggested having him admitted for a three hours school. However, since he was highly restless, he was shifted to one on one pattern again. Ofcourse, this was only after deliberation with us. Adapting the curriculum to my son’s ability and also his mood swings has been the major highlight in last 2 years.
The above brief highlights the following :
. My son is highly challenging and Khushi has a professional approach to take on challenges
. Experimentation on the therapy pattern is very important for my child. This is exactly what is done for him. Sincere effort is put in by all therapists under the director’s guidance.
. Taking parents views is also given importance since shifts for him from one to one, then to school and again to one on one, was done only after consulting us.
. Adjusting the training to suit his behaviour pattern.
My son has improved a lot under the training of various therapists’. His sitting tolerance has improved and also, most importantly, his understanding and awareness. My son is extremely moody and stubborn. Adaptation to his behaviour pattern shows professional approach of the therapist and as parents we are also privy to the guidance provided by center. Assessments are regularly done by the director and guidance is provided to therapist as well as us. Therapists from Khushi are extremely hardworking, patient and understanding. The director is extremely professional and, time to time, has been instructing therapist to adapt according to his improvement swings.
As parents, the amount of confidence shown by Khushi in my son’s ability to do things and also improve has immensely helped us gain confidence. We are also satisfied that he is now in the right hands and our concern about his improvement is now shared by Khushi. My son’s mom accompanies him to the therapy centre and looks forward for being at the centre since she can oversee his progress and most importantly she gets to meet therapist and also talk to them. This has helped her mentally to be away for sometime from her concerns about him and understand his training needs. We understand that there is long way for our child to go but we are now sure that he will improve at Khushi.
We wish the director and all the therapists a happy children’s day and also good luck for their endeavor to ensure that best is given to all the kids at Khushi.My son now 9 yrs old was born a healthy child. But destiny had something else in store for us. He was a normal healthy child at birth. At the age of 5& ½ months he was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had to be operated. Within a period of 3 & ½ years, he was operated 3 times, underwent 3 cycles of chemotherapy and then 3-D conformal radiation. Due to the critical treatment protocols, my son developed delayed milestones with regards to language & balance & was also diagnosed with mild ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
To counter the delays, he had to undergo therapies. But there was no sense of direction. I just went on giving therapy sessions as advised by Dr’s time to time and he used to attend normal school but in, the process we were totally exhausted & drained out. Then one day a parent suggested KHUSHI PEDIATRIC THRAPY CENTER. Ever since he has started his one to one therapy sessions at Khushi, he has improved a LOT. His writing skills have improved remarkably. He is more focused & has learnt to read simple stories and his language & communication has also improved. He can now communicate lot of things and it is a joy seeing him achieving the desired step by step, though it is a long journey ahead.
The positive developments seen in him are due to the sincere efforts taken by the director and her dedicated team of therapists which is truly commendable. We sincerely pray that Khushi keeps on growing & continue to serve as many kids with developmental issues.
I remember the heart shattering moment when my son was diagnosed with autistic traits and ADHD. I remember how I yearned and wanted my son to talk and share his experiences, his feelings – everything with me! My son was not talking or responding to conversations, indifferent to people and situations around, very hyperactive and in his own world. My unsure mind made me feel as if there is no hope ahead. That was 3 years ago….
And here I am today — ” I got 10/10 Mama and Mohit got 9/10.” “What does “TRANSFORMERS” mean?” “I got Geeta chanting competition certificate”.”Why Papa has to go to Singapore?”— happily struggling to keep pace with his queries and experiences. Kudos! Kudos ! Kudos to The Director and Team Khushi to usher in this turn-around for my son. The objective and systematic approach adopted at Khushi Pediatric & Therapy Centre worked wonders to bring about this change. They excel in diagnosing, understanding and providing focused solutions for the problem areas. We thank them from the bottom of our heart in guiding us to this point and the journey continues.
I have a son, 12 years of age and he is autistic, It is unfair to separate the two, i.e. autism and the child. But, however, for parents to accept the same is difficult. It has almost taken me 12 years to come to the right path.
In the haste to make them “NORMAL”, we miss the actual picture, as a result in my son’s case, he has become prompt dependent. Practically at the age of 12 he is skill dependent for most of his activities.
It is now I realize that the school where I had put him, for purely academic purposes is not helping him. “I have to make him independent” was the wake up call.
Thus, the key word and the only aim for a parent of an autistic child is “INDEPENDENCE”.
There are 1000’s of books which tell you about normal child development. Few books are also written for development of autistic kids. But no 2 autistic children are the same. Hence, as a parent daily we are still learning more and more about our child. It is an ongoing learning process.
In this search of MY CHILD, we have reached Khushi.
Khushi, in itself is an invention unique.
After coming to Khushi, we are discovering our “real” child. I am associated with Khushi from the time my child was 3 years of age, but looks like, now I have actually listened.
After my barage of thousand questions of whether my child will be independent. The directore of Khushi calmly said, “Trust me he will”.
In this passage of 5 months of schooling in Khushi, my child has started taking the first few steps towards independence. He is overcoming one problem after another, which may be as simple as finding a named object in the room.
Looks like finally we have boarded the right train to our final destination to discover my child. Uptill now, my child had a scattered development. At Khushi, they are filling the gaps which were missed. Thus, a strong base in being developed. Once the base is formed, the rest will keep falling in place.
I do not want my child to write pages or colour pictures where he is given even the slightest of physical prompt. Performance in quantity with prompts are now unwanted and over. Writing even one “standing line” independently is much appreciated and desired.
INDEPENDENCE proceeding DEPENDENCY is what Khushi teaches and all I ask for.
I am sure and hopeful that my association with Khushi will reap me with rich benefits in development of my son
My son was diagnosed with Autism just two week before he could turn 2 years of age. Autism was a total new word for me which I had never heard before. My life came crashing down, did not know what this disorder was and what it could do to my boy and his future. To know things in details I went to sites and got a good amount of information for myself, but this too was not satisfying me and this was driving me crazy minute by minute. Dr. Vibha Krashnamurthy who had diagnosed my son referred me to Khushi, and the director of Khushi, who is an Occupational Therapist. I met her for the first time on 1st April’ 2008 and she took a lot of stress off my shoulders. She confirmed that my son would change and it was not the end of the world, she further said that he was young and had all the potential to get better all it required was hard work and lots of positivity.
My journey of therapy began from Khushi Therapy Center and now my son is 5 years 7 months of age and he is in a much better position that I could ever think of. She has never given up on him and that made me kept going. Currently my son is in the intense therapy session which is for 3 and a half hours daily conducted at Khushi. Every day I see changes in him and it makes me happy that he is at the right place. My hearty thanks to the director and her wonderful team for all the hard work that they put into making changes in the life of all the special kids
Khushi has worked wonders, like the proverbial magic wand, for our son, Yatharth. When we came to Khushi, Yatharth was restless, unruly and exhibited symptoms we couldn’t fathom. But Dr. Reena Singh and her competent team of therapists helped to improve his understanding and awareness. Today, our son is a different child, and all for the better. A big thumbs up and heartfelt thanks Khushi.
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